Find Peace After Leaving Religion

Get started now!



You may have even thought that walking away from your faith, church or religion would be the toughest thing you wold ever do. You may have even thought that when you left religion, you would quickly adjust to your new found freedom.


It's now, in this strange new world of freedom, that life's challenges truly begin. It's now, after you have left your church, that you have to unlearn damaging teachings. It's now you have to learn new strategies and skills to thrive and grow.


  • You didn't leave your religion only to live a less than authentic life in order to make others feel comfortable with your decision.
  • You didn't leave your church only to remain trapped in powerful vortex of anger, cynicism and bitterness.
  • You didn't escape your belief system only to be stuck, unsure of how to heal and move forward.


Without the structures of religion as a guide, many of us feel rudderless. Our upbringing left us unprepared and ill-equipped to create a healthy, well-balanced life.

  • How does life without religion work?
  • How do you find your voice if you've never been allowed to speak?
  • How do you trust yourself when you've been trained to never trust your feelings, thoughts, desires and your body?
  • How do you live an authentic life when you have no idea who you are?

Take heart my time, you will learn what you need to learn. No doubt, eventually, some day, your post-religious life will become normal and comfortable. In time you will heal. It may take years and lots of heartache and stress - it did for me.


A Personal Growth & Development Online Course

You can jump start your healing and evolution by joining MONDAY SCHOOL. By learning the critical lessons, strategies and skills you will need during your unique journey. The Monday School was designed specifically for those who have left their churches/religion.

Enroll now for $197 to Get the Monday School Combo


5 Weekly Lessons- The Self Inclusion Course uses a logical progression to challenge you to acknowledge who you have been and who you are becoming. ALL OF YOU. Through acceptance you will find the growth and development you need to evolve. You will experience the freedom by fully being who you are.

4 Weekly Lessons - The (re)Build Course moves us out of our mind and into our lives. We learn to construct a life that is aligned to our integrity. In the four modules we tackle Identity, Purpose, Community and Vitality - areas that we have previously relegated to our churches/religion. Not any more. We learn to take back these foundational components of our lives.

Monday School's weekly lessons and exercises are not hard, but they are not intuitive. The structure and content of the course is diverse. The modules logically progress and build on one another. As post-religious people, we demand engaging and thought provoking coursework. Monday School delivers just that!

Access to the lessons are emailed each week - and they are all downloadable!


"Susan's insight on how to apply Agile project management techniques to my biggest project - MY LIFE - was transformational. My life is dramatically different now because of the tools she shared with me."

- Brenda

"Susan helped me to see my life from a different perspective. I couldn't see my own capacity and potential. Susan helped me to see it - and believe it! "

- Lisa

"I love Susan's story. We were both in a church that was designed to make life shallow and uneventful. By stepping away from that structure we have discovered lives that are deeper and richer than we could ever imagine. I'm thrilled that Susan is sharing her insights through an online course."

- Charlene

Your Instructor

Susan Scott
Susan Scott

Consider if you had a mentor, a guide to help you with healing your past, encouraging you progress, and pushing your evolution.

Imagine joining other like-minded students for intense training on how to build your post-religious life.

In addition to having several last names over the past 50 years, I have also worn and shed many other descriptors: Sunday School Superstar, Fundamentalist, Sinner, Agnostic, Orphan and Seeker. Currently, I'm most proud of the labels; Learner, Coach, Creator, Ally, Wife & Mom.

Email me at [email protected] to ask me any questions or to book a free discovery call. I'd love to hear your story and help you heal.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
Start now and complete the course In 9 weeks ! Once you enroll you will have immediate access to the orientation and Foundational Lessons. Then every 7 days, for the next two months, a new Module will be released to you.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? All content in the course is downloadable! You will then have access to it when you need it!